Welcome to Eclectic! As the tagline reads, it is the home to a “Plethora of Marginally Related Interests”. Basically, it’s a vanity site to show off and discuss oddball interests and topics. Here’s a few…

The High Density Track Layout Program

It all started with a simple question…

How much track can I fit on that table and still race?

Physically building and testing tracks takes time and rework. Surely there must be a better way. Guess what? There is!

The “Uberverse” in Theory and Practice

Long before the “Multiverse” became popular, there was the “Uberverse”. Not only does this theory provide a model for the start and end of all reality, it explains how the different co-realities can and do exist.

You think popular franchises like Star Trek, Star Wars, Disney, Godzilla or Batman are all fiction? Think again!

(Future) The Town of Eureka

If slot cars and building blocks are great on their own, what happens when you combine them!?

Presenting the town of Eureka – a mixed media project!

(FUTURE) Building Blocks Systems

Lego may be king, but they are not the only game in town! Here’s a place to discuss great kits from other manufacturers, including:

  • Mega Bloks
  • Bluebrixx
  • Reobrix
  • Loz (micro bricks)

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