Polar Bear Playhouse

Item Manufacturer Set # Pieces Seller Price Notes
• Kit Generic 8967-7 299 Temu 4.24 Holiday house kit.
• Parts Generic n/a 50 Multiple 2.50 Polar Bear and landscaping.
Total 349 6.74
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Thrill rides are great, but sometimes you just need to chill. There is nowhere better to do that than the Polar Bear Playhouse, with it’s assortment of winter themed games as well as fountains serving free Coca-Cola products!

I actually bought this kit on sale because I thought it was a great looking Christmas Cottage. Unfortunately it takes up a lot more space that a normal 8×8 building, and it just didn’t fit anywhere else in town. That all changed when I decided to build a theme park. Using the “Cool Club” at Epcot as a model, I realized that the only thing I needed to make this work was a Polar Bear, which is a Coca-Cola icon. I found a small generic kit on sale that had the large one I used here as well as the small one that I placed on the grounds by Elsa’s Winter Castle.

Other Items of Note

At some point, I would love to make a better looking Coca-Cola bottle under the bear.

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