It’s Tough to be a (Lady) Bug!

Virtually every theme park in existence has an attraction like this… something that swings and spins at the same time. No exception here! Climb aboard the cutest ladybug around while we dial it up to “Puke Factor Eleven!”

This started with a kit that is from the same Xing-Bao series as the Ferris Wheel. Unfortunately, the space between the ladybug and the support legs was a little too close and it would sometimes hit while swinging. But that’s the great thing about Lego type systems. Don’t like it? Change it! I reengineered the supports and moved them one block apart, which gave me all the room I need. After that, all I needed to do was add a load area and the landscaping.

Other Items of Note

Once I had this section built, I had to figure out where to put it. Easy, right? Not so much. That swing takes up a lot space, but… notice the Polar Bear Playhouse next door? The roof angle was perfect! I could put them next to each other and the swing just clears it!

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