Site Testing Home Page

As I am sure you’ve already noticed, this site will ultimately be home to a lot of different things. You will see links to some of them from the Home page. Feel free to follow them to look at work in progress, but please keep in mind that for now, discussions are closed on all of those pages. Once we have tested in this page and know that it works, we can start opening sections to the public. The first one that I will do that with is the High Density Track Layout project, which is mostly complete. I also chose that section because my first set of testers are coming from the Slot Car group on Reddit!

Here are the items that I would like anyone involved in test to check out. IF the comments section is working properly, just leave a simple comment like “Test 1 Completed Successfully”. If you run into any weirdness, then leave a comment telling us what you found. If comments are NOT working, please contact me through Reddit messaging.

Simple Comment Test

  • Can you see the Comment box below?
  • If please leave a test comment, but don’t check the “Remember Me” box.
  • Exit the site and return to the site.
  • Leave another test comment with the “Remember Me” box checked.
  • Exit and return to the site.
  • Leave a 3rd test comment or reply to someone else’s comment… did the browser remember you?

Dark Mode Test

  • Look for the the “Dark Mode” slider in the lower right hand corner of the screen. Does it work?

External Workbook Test

  • Click on the following link and confirm that it takes you a read only copy of the Google Sheets Workbook:

High Density Track Layout Program – Artin 1/43 Workbook

Multiple Device Test

  • IF you have multiple device types (Desktop, Tablet, Mobile), please repeat the tests once from each device. Did any of the results change?

High Density Track Layout Program Review

  • For those testers who came over from the Reddit Slot Car sub, Head over to the High Density Track Layout Program page and check to see if the various links work correctly. Please note that the detail pages for the various layouts are NOT filled out. They will stay that way until I decide a possible change to the rating system.

11 thoughts on “Site Testing Home Page

  1. I’ll start it off – 1st test complete. No issues. I don’t have a “remember Me” box because I have an account on the system.

    1. This is important… starting off, I have the moderation set so I have to approve a new users first comment. After that, they are approved automatically. I’ve had issues with spam bots in the past on a different site using a different tool, so I am “easing in” to the WordPress security settings.

  2. Light/Dark and the link to the external workbook are working fine. So far, everything checks out. Great job!

    1. Great! My next task is to update the scoring workbook with an update to the rating system and then populate the pages that use it. Thinking about using a WordPress table tool that would allow me to update the data in one location and then it updates whenever I change it.

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